Primary Contact HubSpot Integration

The Primary Contact HubSpot Integration is a panel in the HubSpot CRM that displays the Primary Contact, for a Company, with a link to the Primary Contact. You can select any Contact “associated” with the Company to be the Primary Contact.

The Primary Contact HubSpot Integration is a panel in the HubSpot CRM that displays the Primary Contact.

Why we created the Primary Contact HubSpot Integration

Our first HubSpot client asked “How do we set the Primary Contact for an organisation?”.  I replied “I don’t know – I will find out…”.

I couldn’t figure it out so I contacted HubSpot Support.

Their suggestion was to type the name and email of the Primary Contact into a Custom Field in the Company. You can imagine the emojis I wanted to use for that reply.

You know how hard it is to keep your CRM data clean and tidy – copy and pasting or typing names and email addresses is not a sensible workaround.

So, we coded our own solution.

Years later – two major rebuilds – and we’re now at Version 4.

Because there are so many requests in the HubSpot Community Forum that we decided to release the product to the HubSpot Community with starter, basic, and professional subscriptions available.

We’ve recently purchased your primary contact integration (what an absolute godsend!) After wasting weeks trying to hack around it with workflows that didn’t quite do what we wanted, I googled and found you. The integration is perfect and works just how we need it to.

– Emily Lamb, Bright creators of Asset Bank

Here’s what Version 4 does:

See the Primary Contact in a HubSpot CRM Panel

Primary Contact HubSpot Integration in the HubSpot CRM.
See the Primary Contact in a HubSpot CRM Panel

From the Company view you, and your team, can see the Primary Contact in the CRM Panel. And, there’s a link (that opens a new tab) to show the Primary Contact in HubSpot.

You can drag and drop the panel if you want it at the top of the right column.

Set Primary Contact for a Company

Use the “Actions” in the HubSpot CRM Panel to select a Primary Contact.

When you click “Select Primary Contact” you can choose from a list of Contacts “associated” with the Company. The Contacts you can select is restricted to people “associated” with the Company so you can’t accidentally add someone from another Company.

When you save the Primary Contact you will see a confirmation screen showing you the changes (if another Contact was the Primary Contact you will see a confirmation showing the change).

Use Primary Contact Personalisation Tokens in Email Templates

The Primary Contact information is stored in the Company Record which means you can access the Primary Contact’s first name, last name and email and tokens in an email.

This is useful if you want to email a Contact at the Company and you want them to Contact the Primary Contact.

Use Primary Contact Personalisation Tokens in Email Templates
Use Primary Contact Personalisation Tokens in Email Templates.

Smart List of Primary Contacts

The Primary Contact Property, in the Contact, means you can use Smart Lists to keep a list of Primary Contacts that’s automatically updated.

Filter Primary Contacts using Smart Lists
Filter Primary Contacts using Smart Lists.

For Professional Subscribers the Smart Lists will automatically be set up when you install the HubSpot Integration.

You can also use filters, in Contacts or Companies, to find Primary Contacts.

Use Primary Contacts in Workflows

For HubSpot Marketing Professional, or HubSpot Marketing Enterprise customer you can use Primary Contacts in Workflows. You can use any of the Properties in the Company or the Contact in your Workflow and you can use the Personalisation Tokens too.

Set Accounts Contact for a Company

Primary Contact and Accounts Contact in the HubSpot CRM.
Primary Contact and Accounts Contact in the HubSpot CRM.

Use the “Actions” in the HubSpot CRM Panel to select an Accounts Contact.

When you click “Select Accounts Contact” you can choose from a list of Contacts “associated” with the Company.

When you save the Accounts Contact you will see a confirmation screen showing you the changes (if another Contact was the Accounts Contact you will see a confirmation showing the change).

Smart List of Account Contacts

The Accounts Contact Property, in the Contact, means you can use Smart Lists to keep a list of Accounts Contacts that’s automatically updated.

For Professional Subscribers the Smart Lists will automatically be set up when you install the HubSpot Integration.

You can also use filters, in Contacts or Companies, to find Accounts Contacts.

Use Account Contacts in Workflows

For HubSpot Marketing Professional, or HubSpot Marketing Enterprise customer you can use Accounts Contacts in Workflows. You can use any of the Properties in the Company or the Contact in your Workflow and you can use the Personalisation Tokens too.

Tamper Alert on data

Tamper Alert on when the data is changed using the CRM Properties rather than the CRM Panel
Tamper Alert on when the data is changed using the CRM Properties rather than the CRM Panel.

You know what it’s like when you let everyone into a clean data set – some people like to fiddle (they know who they are). With the Tamper Alert you can see when people have manually changed any of the Primary Contact fields, or Accounts Contact fields, in the Company.

A warning is displayed to let you know it’s been manually changed and instructions are shown so you can see the correct way to set the Primary Contact or Accounts Contact.

Easy Cancel Policy

Personally I get annoyed when companies charge my card after the subscription ends, sneak in additional charges, or make it impossible to cancel. That’s why we have an Easy Cancel Policy so you can cancel at any time.

14 Day Free Trial

With our free trial you can test out the features of the Primary Contact HubSpot Integration.

Priority Support for Professional Subscriptions

All Professional Subscribers will have access to Priority Support. Any Subscribers can log a Support Ticket via the Support Form (there’s a link in the Primary Contact HubSpot Integration) however – I’m sure you understand – we’ll prioritise our Professional Subscribers.

Monthly Subscription Plans

  Starter Basic Pro Enterprise
 Primary Contact Panel in HubSpot CRM
Primary Contact Panel in HubSpot CRM Yes Yes Yes Yes
 Use Primary Contact Personalisation Tokens
Use Primary Contact Personalisation Tokens Yes Yes Yes Yes
 Set Primary Contact for a Company
Set Primary Contact for a Company Yes Yes Yes Yes
 Smart List of Primary Contacts
?You can set up your own Smart Lists using the Primary Contact Property. Basic & Pro Subscribers have their Smart Lists created automatically.
Smart List of Primary Contacts
?You can set up your own Smart Lists using the Primary Contact Property. Basic & Pro Subscribers have their Smart Lists created automatically.
Yes Yes Yes
 Use Primary Contacts in Workflows
?Workflows require HubSpot Marketing Pro or Enterprise.
Use Primary Contacts in Workflows
?Workflows require HubSpot Marketing Pro or Enterprise.
Yes Yes Yes
 Accounts Contact Panel in HubSpot CRM
Accounts Contact Panel in HubSpot CRM Yes Yes
 Use Accounts Contact Personalisation Tokens
Use Accounts Contact Personalisation Tokens Yes Yes
 Set Accounts Contact for a Company
Set Accounts Contact for a Company Yes Yes
 Smart List of Account Contacts
?You can set up your own Smart Lists using the Accounts Contact Property. Basic & Pro Subscribers have their Smart Lists created automatically.
Smart List of Account Contacts
?You can set up your own Smart Lists using the Accounts Contact Property. Basic & Pro Subscribers have their Smart Lists created automatically.
Yes Yes
 Use Account Contacts in Workflows
?Workflows require HubSpot Marketing Pro or Enterprise.
Use Account Contacts in Workflows
?Workflows require HubSpot Marketing Pro or Enterprise.
Yes Yes
 Set Primary Contact for a Deal
NEWYou can now set the Primary Contact for a Deal.
Set Primary Contact for a Deal
NEWYou can now set the Primary Contact for a Deal.
 Set Accounts Contact for a Deal
NEWYou can now set the Accounts Contact for a Deal.
Set Accounts Contact for a Deal
NEWYou can now set the Accounts Contact for a Deal.
 Tamper Alert on data
Tamper Alert on data Yes Yes
 Easy Cancel Policy
Easy Cancel Policy Yes Yes Yes Yes
 Support Priority
Support Priority Low Medium High High
 14 Day Free Trial
14 Day Free Trial N/A Yes Yes Yes
 Number of views/month
?The number of times per month the Primary Contact Panel shows in HubSpot CRM before it starts nagging you to upgrade.
Number of views/month
?The number of times per month the Primary Contact Panel shows in HubSpot CRM before it starts nagging you to upgrade.
200 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
 Set-up fee
Set-up fee $10  $10  $0  $10  $0  $10  $0
 Monthly Subscription
Monthly Subscription $0 $13 $33 $46
  Starter Basic Pro Enterprise
  Start Trial Start Trial Start Trial Start Trial


  1. All prices quoted in USD.
  2. If you’re based in New Zealand GST is included.
  3. Minimum quantity: 1.

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